Pejam celik-pejam celik kite sudah berada di tahun 2007..Well for yzma, 2007 start with great things & hopefully it will last forever... So for 2day, yzma want to share my beautiful life story with you all....Earlier January ari tuh, yzma telah dikejutkan dengan kedatangan Boyz II Men utk buat concert di Arena Genting.. As Boyz II Men fan, I am so excited to go to the concert.... Unfortunately, hubby wont let to sebab die kate: "membazirlar..tiket die mahal". A bit frustrated but it not stop there. For me "When there is a WILL, there is always a WAY" dengan kate erti yg lain "Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan"... fyi, yzma ni jenis suke call radio..Any radio that offer great prizes, di sitular yzma jd pendengar setia. :-) So, yzma start to surf net which radio yg give out free tickets to the concert. LUCKY me... I've got the tickets!!! (2 days befor the concert) YAHOO!! Thanks to Light & Easy... Dapat jugak yzma pergi tgk concert and layan old flame songs..
Pesanan: Dont u guys under estimate the wheather at Genting... yzma pon ingat whether die x sejuk sgt, tp bile naik atas..kabus tebal sgt-sgt.(Sampai x nampak jalan!!) Sejuk die xyah ckp lar kan... Sian hubby, die pakai short sleave jer..yzma pulak memang bwk extra sweater tp gambar cartoon coala bear...hehehe nak-xnak terpaksa hubby pakai jugak...( but it really looks cute lar hubby :-) ) Anyway we really have fun during the concert..yzma pon nyanyi sampai serak-serak suare you..hehehe
Ni gambar plg dekat yg boleh amik..Almaklumlar tiket free kan....
Actually yzma bukan pergi bersama hubby jer tau... Kebetulan my fren pon pergi jugak on the same show.. I introduced u to my beloved fren; Cuna (bukan name sebenar :p) & her husband; Izam. Just got married a few months ago. Congratulation guys!!!
Untuk dipendekkan cerita, Izam ni my schoolmate mase kat mozac dulu. Tp yg kelakarnye we never talked to each other selama kitorg kat skolah dulu..heheheh Memule yzma felt really weird hang out with them. (coz normally me & hubby just lepak with cuna alone jer).. Tapi lelame rase mcm 'cool' gak.. So we really have fun..Jalan-jalan di taman bunga..Tapi yg sedihnyer xdapat nak naik ride spiderman...Xpelar time kite g Genting kite naik spiderman, superman, batman & kluang man skali yek....Anyway really enjoy lepak with u guys..( bile nak dtg lepak umah aku laks?? nanti leh karaoke..)
Sambil menghirup udara segar di puncak Genting, yzma sempat take photo bunga-bunga cinta dan pemandangan indah yang ade di Genting..Release tension tgk keindahan kejadian Allah... yzma bersyukur kerana dapat hidup di bumi yang aman ini. Alhamdulillah...

Aiks..gerangan siapakah itu yang menyibuk di celah-celah keindahan puncak Genting??? Itular yzma and my beloved hubby!!! Nice to meet u aLL.. muah muah