Last week I really had great time!! mengapa?? kerana saya telah pergi trial aerobic class ... Saya lately nih mmg gian sgt nk beraerobic...xtau nape...mungkin dah terase badan terlalu flabby... what happend to my cycling activity?? I feltlike not really enjoying myself when cycling alone.. so i decide to cycle only with hubby and heroes terchenta... thats mean I only reserved weekend morning for the cycling activity.. so week days i plan to join 'Kaki Gym' fitness centre to fullfill my senaman activity...
So last week I go for Yoga & Belly dance.. mase memule buat Yoga, mak demam urat uols... juz imagine 2 thn xbuat exercise, terus start dengan stretching canggih of yoga..xterkejut urat2 dalaman nih!! siap kat below abdomen ( tmpt c-sect) cramp!!! takut jugak..tp pikir2 balik its been 7 months since my c-sect opt..xkan xbaik lg kot..so i blasah jer teruskan..
next 2 days pergi plak belly dance class... mmg syiok habis..mcm ala2 joget lambak..semuer depa campur..cha-cha, mambo, ramba..ape ntah lg nape depa panggil...tp mmg seronok..terkenang-kenang zaman pegi clubbing dulu..ooppsss...
badan pon feel energetic..happy to have very sporting crowds & mostly yg join pompuan that me confortable to join with...cant wait to signing up this end of the month!! tp nk kene tunggu pay day.. this renovation thingy really make my pocket empty.. :(
oowwwhh saya still terlupa mau amik gmbar rumah saya yg baru cat.. Yesterday Fab28 dtg lepak rumah I..and cakap the dark color paint look very nice yet not really matching with the upper part..aiyok!! hentam saja lar..hehehe
on weekend altho hubby xde (p amik gambar Japan GT at S*IC), me had been accompanied with my in laws family on saturday and my beloved family & Fab28 on SUnday.. Actually me juz plan lepak2 with Fabulous yesterday sambil masak sup tulang & ayam goreng berempah...tetibe my father called nk buat Tenpanyaki kat my house..then me also invite my sister to join us..so tetibe semalam mcm ala2 mini kenduri di rumah i.. we really had nice chit-chating..plus petang tuh singgah pasar malam beli apam balik hijau yg sgt sedappp ittew..sedap ke Fabulous?? :p
pg td me tetibe sgt penat & penyakit malas datang menyerang..so i decide buat lg run coding instead of doing reading..time2 malas nih klu buat reading nih buang masa jer.. hehehe at least klu run data set boleh gak akak tulis blog nih...
Till then..Muah! muah!