As mentioned previously (mcm ayat thesis jer..hehehe) went to see Dr for baby check up.. Sebelum jumpa berdebo2 lar & berdoa.. As the time comes, Dr periksa the condition of baby's head & told me that precious baru turun 2/ ade 3/5 lg untuk baby keluar to see the world.. I mentioned about induce, she said that wait for the baby betul2 ready & masak... Dr ckp " mcm buah durian, tunggu gugur bile masak, xboleh dijolok-jolok" :D
So skrg ni I menanti my precious durian to betul2 masak BUT still hoping precious ready to go out tomorrow..Senantiasa berdoa & berharap..Kuasa Allah bile2 jer boleh terasa nak bersalin kan... Tapi kalau xdapat pon xpe..Janji my precious & me selamat & sihat di proses delivery nanti. Amin..
Anyway out of topic sket. I just found out this blog jual batik terengganu Memandangkan saya ni mmg gile batik saya hendak berkongsi dgn rakan-rakan smuer..(mane lar tau ade org nak kasi gift kat kite ker kan..heheh) Di ingatkan bahawa ini bukan promosi yg mendapat ape2 bayaran pon..hanya untuk berkongsi minat.. :D
Till then..muah! muah!