last weekend sgt best.... i can label it as my gossiping weekend... On saturday went to my best x-skoolmate wedding @ seremban...Nanie & zuwairi congratulation!!!! kawen jugak korang kan..Alhamdulillah... Is like a small reunion..meeting old frens..ade yg bwk anak, ade yg still single mingle.. apapepon i was happy to meet them.. sara is waiting for her 1st delivery..good luck beb!! keet's daughter is so so look alike her father...hehehhe hana & bee yee tetap maintain vogue..hehehe and me..proudly introduce my precious to all my frens!!!
@ pelamin
wan ter, pengantin, me, rayyan & sara
bee yee as pengapit, has, mayna, keet, aleea, me & rayyan
The next day was full of gossiping... since hubby went to putra*jaya for biking, me invite a*be to lepak2 @ my home.. tak habis invite ladyverde to makan apple pie that i bake..continue gossiping... that evening invite ij* u*pm colleague to come & join us... this is her 1st time met rayyan and lepak to my house...Wow...wat a day!! at 6pm a*be and i*jan balik, me sambung lepak at luar rumah gossip with neighbour plaks..hehehehe kak ani bile nk buat pocho2 nih..heheh
me (alamak mcm da gemuks!), abe & precious
aunty verde, aunty abe & rayyan
my best gossip weekend!!
Till then..muah! muah!