May 5, 2010

Hadif 6 bulan...

Alhamdulillah hari ini genap my 2nd hero 6 bulan...i'm sooo happy Hadif grow up as normal baby (since he is a pre-term baby, i'm quite worried about side effect of it)...segala effect pre-term Hadif, macam mate senantiasa berair, testis besar sket( angin pasang) semua tue dah kembali normal.. Bagi I baby 6 months dah a bit stable..not too worry especially di malam hari..
Hadif pon same mcm Rayyan dulu...jenis nk relax jer..menyiarap ker berguling ke smuer die xmain.. tp yg spesel nye Hadif ni die xmau diletakkan dibawah.. Senantiasa nk didukung.. pastu sgt anti naik keta..adoi..part ni yg letih sket..hehehe so at the mean time kitorg juz pegi tempat dekat2 jer..susah sket nk g jenjalan jauh2...
OK now nk story pasal study life I plak..
Actually me a bit down..Almost 2 months xjumpa SV. Bukan I yg xnk jupe tp die yg duk ngelat nk jupe..Adakah SV sudah xsuke pada saye? mostly student under her supervised having the same problem..Infact people at the faculty (staff ) also difficult to see her.. Currently she's taking sebatical she take her own sweet time to come to the office. And guess what? she's normally available @ faculty around 5pm onwards.. For those RA and single & available student bolehlar for me, nk fetch anak, nak masak lagi..soo wrong timing lar to meet her..
Honestly on this 6th sem I baru really really tau nk buat ape for my PhD work..yeahh I know I mmg lembap I malas nk pikir2 negative (and yes my twice giving birth of Rayyan & Hadif are the main reason of this kelembapan & I swear I never regret!)..i'm quite happy with my work..feels like i'm in the right track..well juz go on with wat I'm doing now but sadly cannot really discuss this matter directly with my sv..Die suruh email jer everything..cane?? xkan nk email coding kot..*sigh pastuh sibuk suruh tulis jurnal...nk tulis jurnal amende..? result pon baru dpt ciput... student lain yg dah ujung2 tuh boleh lar tulis, me stakat proceeding boleh lar..esok2 bile da compile smuer baru lar best nk buat jurnal..ape pendapat u all?? sesuai ke kite nk tulis jurnal bile kat just on the early stage of our research ( only have pre-liminary result)??
Xpe2 ni I mmg tgh run coding...after I get my result I will really hunt for her.. Ya Allah ko permudahkan lar urusan hambamu ini dgn svku...
but seriously I feel down and sad for this..BUT i'm so happy this coming Monday im going for movie marathon with hubby!! da lame x tgk wayang u all!! so sexcited!!

Till then!! muah! muah!


Oyis said...

awak... so happy dgr awak dah tetap hala tuju research. cuma kurg best sket la jrg dpt jumpa SV. tp x pe awak, jgn discouraged, sbb nya kat sini kita jumpa SV sebulan sekali je. ni sejak balik msia hari tu x jumpa2 lg. as long as kita progressing x pe. at this stage, kita mungkin x perlu jumpa kerap2 sgt awak, cuma kalo ada kekeliruan, bole je emal kan?

psl jurnal tu, kita pon x tulis lg. kalo ikut SV kita la, dia kata dah ada tesis patut baru bole tulis jurnal, meaning dah complete la reseacrh tu, but then again i understand the pressure in msia sbb Sv kita berlumba2 nak kekalkan grant n RU status bagai kan (i talked with Dr S psl ni, sbb dia kata dia dah kena sound hntr student ke conference, patutnya push utk jurnal, but like my SV, Dr S feels that in order to produce a journal, kena ada at least 3 conference paper, baru la matap). so... that's my 2 cents la. apa pon kena ikut ckp SV, br senang berjaya. double cjeck la dgn beliau.

apa pon good luck awak. u can do it :)

MRM said...

I know how you feel babe. Kita pun tak selalu jumpa SV, dalam sebulan sekali + several couple of emails and sms in a month. BUT that's because I have my hubby whom I can share my work content with coz dia pun in CS and he can really suggest some good solutions sometimes bila kita sangkut with work. Since SV awak sgt busy, maybe awak boleh detect satu orang yang awak boleh kongsi masalah research ni. Macam Noris contohnya, kita tahu she got her SaKe as her consultant :P. So ala2 gitu la, try to find a friend yang you can discuss with when you're having PhD prob? Sesuainya orang yang tak buat PhD / org yang bekerja coz they have different stress n can see things differently.

Pasal journal, kita pun setuju kalau journal tulis di hujung2 pengajian (or kalau dah nak kena tulis sgt, time start tulis thesis pun ok la kot). Sebabnya by then dah confirm apa kita nak publish. Bila buat research ni, sometimes akan berlaku beberapa perubahan dr segi approach and all, so along the way boleh la hantar kat proceedings. Bila dah confirm and ada semua kat hujung perjalanan, baru hantar kat journal. So kita pun rasa kita setuju macam Dr. S's approach tu.

Wah, bestnya pi tengok movie marathon! Dah lama rasanya tak pi tengok movies kat cinema :(

Have fun you two lovebirds! :)

i am me said...

hi bebs! Happy 6 months Hadiff! And so happy to hear that you are progressing well into your phd. Aku pon jumpa sv sekali sebulan. hari tu pernah sekali dalam 2 months. Tapi macam kata oyis n mrm, as long as you are doing work in between should be no problem. Pasal journal tu, SV aku tak de plak push2. Even conference pown.. tak push.. inisiatif and decision aku sendirik je if aku nak pi. But at the momment my priority is to finish writing up, lepas tu baru pikir2 nak present kat conference / journal (bear in mind that i have finish all my data collection, so techinically I can try present/write for conferences, tapi i chose not to. And honestly, some of my friends sini pun usually wait till diorg habis PhD baru try push for journal - mcm oyis cakap, kalau boleh nak publish in journal paper yang mantaps kan.. after all, sampai bila2 artikel tu akan ada dalam journal- so kalau flawwed, kita gak yang malu betul tak? hihi.. neways, good luck with your SV. Ingat, phd ni projek kita, tanggungjawab kita. Not everything that sv kita suruh buat tu kita can buat. Yg penting prioritise yang penting dulu. :)

miSs inTerpReted said...

semangat i baca all your comments!!

caiyok caiyok!