Last few days went to LCCT to fetch my beloved bro & my families. My family went to Perth for vacation & my bro is an undergrad student @ C*rt*n Uni..since d sem break till feb next year, h*zi* dcide to join back 2 msia. Thanks 2 air asia 4 d cheap ticket but toot in service mgmt hehehe

one thing bout h*zi*, he really likes to buy souvenier 4 d entire family! Baikkan adik ku ini.. & guess wat he bought me... Taddaa.. Burberry wallet & pair of polo shirts 4 me & hubby!!.

Baby rayyan plak dpt a pair of Lacoste shoes & Wallabes overall. I am so darn sexcited 2 seceived the gifts. Thanks a lot bro! It really mean so much 2 me.. Sayang banget same kamu! Muah!
Till then..muah! muah!
Ohhhhh! that Burberry wallet is gorgeous! Baeknya hati H*zi* yer.. best!!!i loike burberry!!!
hmm..kalo haziq tak bg ape2, k.shima syg banget jugak tak?=p
bestnya..jadi baby pun dapat Lacoste..aku pun nak jadi adik sedara H*zi* la..agaknya dapat apa yek? hehe..
klo la aku buat senyaap2 cilok wallet tue aritu, for sure ko bomb rumah aku kan....hehheheheheehe
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