July 14, 2009

5 Months Pregnant

oowwhh saya seriously sgt terkejut bile melihat countdown di atas yg saya sudah 19weeks pregnant!! Sungguh cepat mase berlalu...But this time pregnancy I admit that i dun really have much time to cherish all the moment with the baby inside.. maafkan mama yek syayang.. it juz so many things that need to be done.. housework, precious, research..with NO maid... it's quite challenging & off course exhausting...but Alhamdulillah hubby helped so much & now i'm quite organised but still no time to cook..By the evening i'm already flat & extremely exhausted...
Lately nih sgt bz.. Handling my sis in law wedding, then went to Pekan Pahang for the other side ceremony... This week baru blh settle down and start focus with my research.. Alhamdulillah my paper accepted to a conference this coming October.. Bukan untuk bermegah tp sekadar untuk meyakinkan diri bahawa research saya ni ade potential dan boleh diteruskan lg..Alhamdulillah... So skrg ni semangat sket nk buat kerja...
Unfortunately today i'm not feeling really well...My body very weak due to so many times have to wake up to feed precious.. Precious tgh2 malam tetibe muntah sebab batuk..so after that die mcm hungry & keep on request for bf... Pastuh boleh plak at 2am in d morning i sakit perut & diarrhea plaks... pastuh precious bgn nangis2 nk milk... oowwwhh mlm yg sungguh memenatkan...still today i have to go to medical faculty for an appoinment with a friend...
I think i seriously need a maid.. For my situation rite now, i dun think i'm strong enough to manage both family and carrier simultaneously... i'm weak, easily tired, naik tangge pon mengah2 gile, my csect scar starting to stretch & sometimes it's hurt bile dukung precious..

Till then..muah! muah!


:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

owhhh cian mama rayyan...
u take gd care of urself k...
n seriously babe u need to hire another maid la...later bile dah nak dekat deliver lg cepat letih sume

Anggerik_putih said...

Ohh..yzma, sedih pulak membaca akan kekusahan ko xder maid ni..like what i said yesterday, just go ahead okehhh...jgn rasa bersalah!!!