Since the first day we know that i'm pregnant, hubby nazar nk botakkan sket rambut die.. so i think its a good idea.. He said after 3 months i preggie and the baby condition stabil he will do it.. So during me preggie 4 months hubby telah meng-shavekan kepalanya.. Tapi bukan stakat kepala jer, misai & juge janggut handsome nyer!!! TIDAK!!! sungguh lain muke hubbyku...hehhee tak hemsem lar bang...
Nasib baik lar bulu2 misai nye begitu cepat in 2 weeks time hubby look normal again.. For ur information, i terpikat dgn hubby i bcoz of his cute maustache & goatee..xtau nape i mmg suke sgt sgt..nampak hemsem.. hehehe
Mesti u all nk tgkkan cemane hubby looks like without all the bulu2 in his face..heheh enjoyce!!
After shave...Jeng Jeng Jeng

Gambar i mesti ade skali...wajib!!
After 2 weeks.. Back to my normal hemsem hubby!!

Gambar i mesti ade skali...wajib!!
After 2 weeks.. Back to my normal hemsem hubby!!
Apapepon, I do LOVE my hubby so-so much!! thanks syayang for being such a wonderful hubby.. Just want u 2 know that "cintaku padamu xkan lupus" chewahh!!
Till then..muah muah..
oh noooooooooooo!!!!ish iezma..lain giler muka faizal!!sries mmg blh menyamar jd orglainla..sgt berbeza!!samapi kite jd takut nak nsb baik in 2 weeks dah back to normal..kalo tak, sure awk tido tak lena sbb raba2 muka faizal takde bulu2..wakaka
nway, nice blog..sib baik awk anta msg, kalo tak smpai sudah kite taktau yg awk dah ade jgn leka dgn blog je tau..itu study jgn lupe yg mommy-to-be..atke k dear!
p/s: leha dah gave birth gurl 12 may lps..tak sure awk ade bace kat fp kite tak..
Lamanya nak tunggu ko update blog. Aku kerja visit kosong aje for the past few months tau tak :P
Anyway, it's great to hear that you are enjoying life, with the baby coming and all, CONGRATS!
Haaa, lepas ni jgn idle-kan lagi blog ni ye, pls update constantly... :)
laen gilos muka faizal.. mcm ayam togel haha! *ampunnn faizal!
hi hizma,
congrats dah ngandung !! -meeha-
Baru nak update...ampes tul ^_^
Lps ni tak update aku blacklist blog ko ^_^
hi iezma,
lama tak dgr cerita. lama kita tak jumpa. lots of things happened in between. and i only got to know that u're already a pregger frm this blog.
anyway take care of your health ok. :D
kirim salam to your family.
thanks sya...2la dah lame xdgr story kan..sorry last time ko invite hse warming xdpt dtg...
haah la iezma.. serius buruk muka fezal nih. wakakaka... napela aku tak perasan awal2 blog nih. *gelak lagik. gelak lagik. (nak pecah perut aku.) dah mcm nok dah aku tgk. wakakaka
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