Everytime bday mama, kami adik beradik akan tong-tong untuk beli hadiah mama..so that dpt lar hadiah grand sket kan..since my bro akan blk 2day dr skolah asramanye..we decide nk surprise mama mlm nie dgn hadiahnyer..kitorg beli ape utk mama? tarraa....
Kuali cap tupperware.. kuali termahal penah mama ade..nasib baik lar share2 duit nk beli..hehehe mama tetibe teringin nk kuali ni & suruh my hubby orderkan untuk die.. tp alang2 kitorg decide nk bg as a gift..oklar kan..blh gak suruh mama masak best2 lepas ni...
Tp yg xbestnyer mama nk g kenduri kawen plaks mlm ni..so rancangan kitorg terbantut.. budget nk bg saturday nite...tp i takut kene g Kuantan plaks..hmm terperap lame lar bday gift mama jwbnyer...
Nway Alhamdulillah this week byk good things yg berlaku.. 1st: i manage to get approval from hospital for my research dataset!! happy sgt..lepas ni kene seriously start working on my study.. 2nd: Also dpt duit grant from U* to proceed my reserach dataset..lepas ni blh start cr quotation...sape nk process blood sample aku?? angkat tgn!!!! 3rd: baru tau that good fren of mine 6 weeks pregnant!! congrats nana!!!
Monday ni baby check up for 24th weeks.. Doakan yek baby grow smoothly & healthy.. la ni baby dah start gerak2..klakar sgt rasenyer..really makes me happy.. This month budget nk beli baby bath nye equipment and baby cabinet...

baby bath set...chomelnye!!!
So nk tanye u all nye opinion...patut x beli baby cabinet or just beli baby box/bakul besar untuk letak baju & brg2 baby...
pastuh mane nk cr baby cabinet yg chomel & affordable yek.. Do let me know yek!!
Till then muah! muah!
both box and laci are good. although aku mmg pakai box aja dari dulu sampai sekarang. the clothes box aku letak dlm wardrobe. tapi kalau nak cantik belilah laci. :)
ps: are you having a boy yzma? mcm hint2 aje kaler biru tu..
pasal baby bath, i suggest you buy brand sweet cherry avail;able at jusco. murah n function yg sama dgn brand2 mahal like safety 1st n mothercare. yg best, u can use it masa baby lembik cos dia ada mcm tpt baring tu. bila baby can sit, boleh kluarkan bendalah baring.
pasal drawers or box, i would go for drawers cos for me, lagik senang nk cari benda. box ittew ala-ala mencari harta karun bila nak cari baju. errr...ke aku yg x reti gergenise?
my opinion dear, if u want to buy cabinets or drawers u go for something that can be used for a long time. kdg2 menda2 yg parents bought for babies only can be used for a while. lepas tu bila dah tak blh guna, the thing jadi gajah putih in the house (or storeroom, or sometimes let go kasi org) :D
anyway, babies' things are so CUTE and ADROABLE, aren't they!!! if i were a mother, habis duit beli brg baby jer hehehehhee
wah...kuali yg termahal eh?ganas giler!!kite tau sbb penah tgk katalog tupperware..periuk belanganye sgtla mahal..tp baguss..so worth buyingla+ur mama mmg teringin kan..cpt2la bagi..tak saba nk tgk her happy face w/pon kite tiada di tpt kejadian..hehe
well, psl babies' need nih..btl like other frens said..beli yg practical dan blh gune for long term iezma..bkn sbb cun n kiut tp tak practical..ant. drawer and box kite prefer drawer..sbb lg mudah nk susun, nk cari n nmpak kemas..tp utk 1st 2/3 months, standby la bakul besa utk letak baju/barut/napkin/pampers dia..sbb mase tu bj2 dia sume kecit lg, mudah nk simpan n nk angkut ke mana2 pun sng..
psl bb bath set ni, kite takde experience sbb sarah n aiman dulu mandi kat dlm besen beso je..senang..maklumla, org kg..hehe..lgpun yg mandikan mase lembik2 tu mama..bile dia cam dah tough sket barula kite yg mandikan..
ape2pun diingatkan nk shopping brg2 baby ni kene ikut budget n kene kontrol betul2 hawa nafsu tu..:p sbb bb's stuff ni mmg comel2 bangat..tak blh tahan kalo setakat tgk je..rase sumenya nk beli..but remember, beli ikut keperluan, not kehendak..slmt shopping!!!:)
guys..thanks for the comment.. 2la i'm thinking nk beli cabinet although dah beli baby box tuh..hehe baby box tue blh dibawa ketika berpantang di rumah mama..heheh
p/s tun: Dr dah 2 kali ckp mayb it's a boy!! hehehe
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